Digital Services Act

We are committed to complying with the Digital Services Act (Regulation (EU) 2022/2065). Therefore, here are some useful information for you:

  1. POINT OF CONTACT FOR AUTHORITIES: If you are a Member State authority, or a member of the Commission, or a member of the European Board for Digital Services, our point of contact for matters related to the Digital Services Act can be reached at the e-mail address or at the address Am Unisys-Park 1, 65843 Sulzbach (Ts.), Germany, and can communicate in English and German.
  2. POINT OF CONTACT FOR USERS: If you are visiting our website as an user, our point of contact for matters related to the Digital Services Act can be reached at the e-mail address or at the address Am Unisys-Park 1, 65843 Sulzbach (Ts.), Germany.
  3. CONTENT MODERATION: Zur Einhaltung von Art. 15 (1) (c) (e) des Gesetzes über digitale Dienste informieren wir Sie hier darüber, wie wir Content-Moderation betreiben – oder anders ausgedrückt, wie wir verhindern, dass illegale Inhalte auf unserer Website erscheinen. Wir haben technische Maßnahmen ergriffen, um unsere Website sicher zu halten, z. B. die Beschränkung der Anmeldung auf unseren Servern, die nur autorisierten Benutzern den Zugang ermöglicht, den Einsatz von Firewalls, Mitarbeiterschulungen und Backups. Unsere Webseite wird täglich überwacht, um Fehlfunktionen und Zwischenfälle zu vermeiden. Wir verwenden keine rein automatisierten Mittel, um die Inhalte zu moderieren.
    Wenn Sie mit uns interagieren, indem Sie sich über unser Formular auf eine Stelle bewerben, werden die von Ihnen mitgeteilten Daten von unserem Partner Catsone verarbeitet (die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen können Sie hier einsehen: and you can find additional information about the measures taken by Catsone to moderate content under the point “user-generated content review”).
  4. ANNUAL REPORT ON CONTENT MODERATION: To comply with Art. 15 (1) of the Digital Services Act, we inform the following for the period of 17.02.2024 bis 31.07.2024 :
    Number of orders received from Member States’ authorities 0
    Number of complaints received 0
  5. HOW TO REPORT ILLEGAL CONTENT: If you wish to report the existence of illegal content found in our webpage, you can write an e-mail to making sure that you inform:
    (a) Why do you believe that the content is illegal;
    (b) The full link of the webpage in which you found such content, and addition optional information such as screenshots;
    (c) Your name and e-mail address, unless you are reporting content related to Articles 3 to 7 of the Directive 2011/93/EU (in such cases you can remain anonymous); and
    (d) Attach a statement in which you confirm that the information you have provided is accurate and complete, with your signature.